Meet Me at the Trailhead of the Morning Salon


Let’s go beauty hunting

For two months, a group of curious minds and open hearts will come together to delight ourselves, learn, open our minds, free ourselves from conventional thinking, turn to art and nature, share passions and intrigues, and douse ourselves in the mystery of things.

As the season here in the Northern Hemisphere tips into darkness, we creative explorers will go beauty hunting in the opening hours. With sleep in our eyes, a steaming drink by our sides, we’ll put our imaginations behind the wheel and go into the wild.

I will guide the experience, and keep it open and collaborative. Each week will have a theme that we can tuck into our daily-life meanderings—say, from debunking “life purpose” to admiring a great work of art and marveling at how some humans are able to create and turn toward beauty when the chips are down.

Imagine a garden bed, smoothed over and filled with bulbs. What has been planted there, under the soil? Who knows. Let’s see what comes up and reveals itself.

Meet me at the trailhead of the Morning Salon.

  • Two months, October & November - the “cozy season” for we northerners.

  • 7:30- 8:30 am Pacific Time.

  • Cafe Zoom

  • Weekly themes, but we will go where the wind takes us.

  • Weekly emails: prompts or beauty hits that can be applied to life, and discussion fodder.

  • $225

  • Read this Wikipedia entry for the history of the salon.

  • Email me at tatyana@everydaycreative to sign up, or if you want to learn more.

How to Talk to Strangers: Why Small Talk Matters

How to Talk to Strangers: Why Small Talk Matters

The joy of -- yes! -- small talk. The absolute delight of talking to strangers. A new game unfolds, and a former "don't-talk-to-me" denizen of the world starts talking--to everyone. 

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